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Ahhhh...I’m feeling a change in the air as I write this at Full Moon. (This is a long, return home missive, so grab some tea and let’s reconnect!)

This Full Moon feels like those first days of moon blood when the pressure begins to subside in your womb, the emotions start to soften and our animal bodies reset into the next new cycle... you know what I mean?

(We don’t often talk about these things as women - and I kinda wanna say fck that. Can we please start normalizing our shared experiences more?  Can we stop hiding and pretending that half the population doesn’t go through these cycles each moonth of heightened sensitivity, need for more nourishing surroundings and, well, the truth that we bleed from pùssy and require a different level of self care and rest?  Can we stop behaving with complicity in the cultural desire for women to hide our womanhood because it’s not pretty or polite or convenient for the status quo?  Can we stop numbing out our body signals or labeling ourselves as high maintenance and instead accept that we have - gasp- real needs?!)

Ok, ok... I know, definitely bringing an edge to this Moon Musing!

Thank you for riding this edge with me... I am returning to The Fempyre fresh with a lot of juice to share and explore and it has me on FIRE inside.

Here’s a short synopsis of what is now influencing the joywork over here on the mountain:

  • Lived through my father’s death and now have a deep relationship with him in spirit that is blowing my mind

  • Met Ireland and reconnected my roots to the land where his people came from

  • Danced furiously for 10 days, melted my entire BEing and graduated as a 5Rhythms Teacher

  • Facilitated at The Temple of Belonging ( a women’s gathering ) - offered 5Rhythms as well as my ceremonial activation Invoking Püssy, both of which were PROFOUND.

All this to say - I AM INSPIRED.  

I have been humbled, on my knees in grief for over a year and the rise up is in motion... feels sooo good to finally be facing the sun.  I am grateFULL.

So much is now pouring through the channel ( Thank you Great Mystery ) and I feel deeply honored that it is my job to share it with you.

It is my job as the Feral Oracle to be a voice for The Mystery...for woman...for us.

With that, I offer The Fempyre to our collective INpowerment, our softness and for the well BEing of Earth ~ the Unified Field we inhabit and share with all of life.  

May our work of waking up to the parts we play as women serve the healing of all while also leading us further on the pathway of liberation, joy, movement and beauty that is our birthright.  

Through owning our rides and loving our animal bodies, may we inspire others to own themselves and in this shared accountability, may we all do better.

This is my prayer...

And this is now the work.

The Fempyre is stepping up her game, because the message I am hearing is “The Time is Now.”

So what can you expect from me and The Fempyre moving forward?

Dynamic rebirth opportunities rooted in the pulse of Great Mystery.

I began this business timidly reading Tarot and created an entire social media ecosystem around The Moonday Message. I built full time work based on sitting with individuals and supporting them on their ride with reflection, guidance and energy work.  I added in a multitude of modalities (Reiki, Tuning Forks, Family Constellations, NLP, Non-Violent Communication, 5Rhythms, signature resonance meditations, sound healing, channeling and more...) and over these years have created a truly magical in person experience.

I love remembering how I began humbly by driving to people’s homes and reading their cards for $40, doing work I loved in between my full time job of working for others in ways I did not prefer.  In those times when I did not yet believe fully in myself and my gifts of emotional intelligence and instinctual intuition.

Then I took the leap and said I am willing to take the risk and believe in myself.

Now I have the Joywork Cottage on the land where I live, a healthy mailing list and have been holding people with my medicine and receiving a living.  I took the risk and it worked in many ways.

I am proud of what I’ve created! A patreon, a membership group, a methodology called The Transformation Map ( which just became a book that you can check out HERE ).  Multiple online courses, so many client sessions, in person workshops and holding ceremonies and 5Rhythms dances.

I am attached to this thing called a business that I’ve created, attached in a way that has been clouding my vision... yet Great Mystery keeps whispering, saying to let go again and surrender to the re-write of my life and her story.


There is an edge here... a sharp and deliciously seductive edge.  Because I know the lusciousness that lives on the other side of letting go.  I’ve tasted that expansive bliss.

Is letting go hard because we truly want to hold on to the known?  Or is it that we secretly enjoy lengthening the sweet anticipation of the leap?

Deep down I KNOW that, just like every dance, the true beauty is the freedom written within the impermanence.

I wonder what will shift if I simply enjoy the beauty process of letting The Fempyre transform instead of holding her back with my fear of failure?  Failure is always an option when living as a Creative you know... failure being the diving board towards the next creation.

We are all getting a front row seat for this experiment...can BEing a devoted Creative truly feed a life spiritually and financially?  I guess we are going to find out!

So with Great Mystery whispering directions, my father’s Spirit at my back and a new path of movement and pùssy unraveling ahead of me - it seems time to start letting go and trusting the process.

The Tarot will always be in my basket of gifts... but she is not my purpose.  So I am slowly letting her go professionally... along with the Moonday Message, the Tarotscopes etc.  These things take so much time and energy... things I need to focus on my truest path.

All my skills and gifts as a channel and intuitive Creative will remain in my basket... but they are for reference and support in my future dances, containers and groups.

Private sessions will be available on the current T/W/Th schedule for the remainder of 2024, with session days slowing down in winter to one day a week.  (So if you would benefit from my skill set - the time to book is NOW!)

My goal for sessions is 1 or 2 days a moonth by Spring Equinox 2025.  Sessions next year will be deep dives of 2 hours sliding scale and there will be a handful available each moonth  (So I am still here to support - Just no longer full time)

The Year of Magic will be available for 9 only and sign ups begin November 1, 2024 (if you know you want one of these limited spots, hit reply and snag one before they sell out). This may be the last year of this offering...I’m still listening on this one.

Otherwise... The Fempyre is moving towards the group animal experience (both online and in person)

The Fempyre has always been in my heART.  A place for women to become aware of our domestication, and to begin burning it down from the inside out.  A place for women just like me to find their feet, their voice, their power and their creative expression.  An inspired nest to nourish women and light them up before they too take the leap into the mystery... 

A nest for all of us ( myself included ) to keep pushing the edge of consciousness towards liberation.

“After you leap, and before you land, is God” Gabrielle Roth

The Fempyre is this place - the nest within the womb of Goddess herself.  The container where you get to acclimate from the sensation of falling to the freedom of flying.  The place where you learn to Own Your Magic as a woman, a Creative and a human animal.  To respect your Holy Boundaries.  To just BE yourself.

A nest built on “power with” dynamics, where every voice matters and we all know in our bones that we are here to learn how to be in commUNITY together.

A nest where we call each other IN to our most honest and fiercely gentle versions of self and support the fvck out of one another along the way.

The new path is welcoming in more group experiences, more movement of the animal body and weaving the web wider than 1:1 work could ever allow.  I don’t exactly know what this means yet... but I am curious and listening!

And feeling all the feels typing this - fear, excitement, spark, butterflies, joy.

So alive!  No wonder we like to stretch these moments of rebirthing...they are the juiciest!

So... I honour our connection here.  Maybe you began with me from those early days so many years ago and you only feel a connection to Tarot and the Moonday Messages... if so and change here feels like it's out of alignment - I want to wish you well on your journey.  I have valued your presence so much even if it was only as a witness.  And- it's ok to let things go in right time!  I trUSt y(our) process...

And... if you have been here and you too are curious, stay!  Please co-create this nest and deepen these roots alongside me.  There is potent magic in growing and rebirthing together...

Here’s to the rewrite!

May our lives be glorious works of creativity, depth and laughter with enough hard times to keep us humble, enough friends to keep us present and enough reminders that magic is always around just waiting for us to reconnect to the unified field of possibilities.



P.S. I would not be able to even consider such a leap if not for my Holy Boundaries™.

It takes bravery to ride your edges and continually be rebirthing in this culture of homogeneity...  if you'd like to consider exploring your own boundaries, the Holy Boundaries™ Challenge is in full swing and I would LOVE to have you join me!  Details can be digested HERE. 

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