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Voxer support:

Voxer is a third-party app that can be easily downloaded on your mobile device and computer.  It offers both text and voice memo functionality.  This Voxer high touch personalized service is available for your support during the agreed upon time of the container you purchase.


Setting up Voxer:

To download Voxer onto your device, you can access it from the App Store (iPhone/iPad) or from Google Play (Android). There is also a web version you can access at

Once downloaded you will be asked to “sign up” – this will as you to enter you e-mail address, password, first and last names, and your phone number. There is also an option to sign up and login using Facebook. 

Once you log into Voxer, you will be taken to the Chats screen. 

You can use the spyglass to search for contacts you wish to connect with via Voxer.

[I will email you an invitation to connect once we solidify your participation.]

Once you select the person you wish to chat with, you can start typing your message in the bottom bar, where it will say "start typing". 

You can also send an attachment using the relevant icon in the bar. 

To send, tap the green arrow button that appears when you begin typing (it was the orange walkie talkie button but will change when you start typing).

You can also send a voice message. To do so, simply touch the walkie talkie button.  When complete, hit send.  You may also press the orange walkie-talkie button and record a message you’d like to send. When you release the orange button, the sound clip will be sent immediately to the recipient(s).


Parameters of Voxer:

Voxer support is offered as a bonus feature of my program with the following parameters.  I will review and digest all your messages and respond to you as quickly as I am able within 72 hours (this does not include holidays, weekends and vacation periods.) Clear communication will be given if I will be unavailable for more than 3 days, and you will have the opportunity to be supported in a different manner should an emergency arise that does not allow me to meet this obligation.  Thank you for honoring my humanness and understanding the boundaries of this relationship.


Voxer is meant to be used in addition to your private sessions.  It is a private 1 to 1 space for your emotional and spiritual process to be seen, witnessed, reflected and to receive affirmations of the intense work you are doing as well as celebrating your accomplishments.  You are encouraged to use Voxer as much as you like in order to get your feelings out and be free from the old toxic ways of being that brought you to this work.  I am devoted to your process and here to hold you, literally, through all that may arise doing this very deep and transformational work.


If in a mentorship program, it is also a space for you to ask whatever questions come up!  Voxer is YOUR space to receive!!!


Voxer is NOT intended to be therapy, to receive therapeutic advice or to be a space of  friendship.  Please use Voxer for the intention set in this container - to be fully witnessed in your unraveling and reclamation process.  I am here to hold the frequency of healing and growth in neutrality... that means I will not engage in trauma bonding, friendship activities or other ways in which power dynamics might occur.  I truly care about you... and this is my way of supporting you in becoming your own innate healer.


This may feel uncomfortable at first...that's ok!  This journey is one of leaning into our shadows and expanding our capacity for fullness.  If you find yourself resisting or wanting something different - share about it in Voxer!  Allow yourself to be witnessed in the avoidance or longing for more- more friendship or learning or a faster speed of healing.  It is all welcome, all ok and I trust the divine timing of your healing journey and my small part within your story.


During our Voxer experience together, I will deeply listen, reflect your experience and guide you towards seeing the gifts within the discomfort.  I might offer journal prompts, growth exercises or gentle ideas to support the process.  Consider Voxer your personal diary that gets to be lovingly witnessed throughout your journey of expansion!


If you have any further questions, please send me an email at


Thank you for your time and trUSt in this work.  I deeply honor and respect this opportunity to witness your true blossoming.


In Service,


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