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Writer's pictureWYLD LEE TAROT

Your Emotional & Energetic Reading for the Week!

Moonday Message:

Your Emotional & Energetic Reading for the Week!

Seven of Wands

This week, we are invited to dance with chaos as an archetype of change...for our own good!

What if chaos is the great purifier?

What if chaos teaches us how to let go?

What if chaos is actually a friend in disguise?

What if it's the story we hold around chaos that makes the inevitable change feel so uncomfortable?

What do you feel?



P.S. As I listen to Great Mystery, I am being called to hold fewer one to one sessions as I make space for my next body of work to birth. So for 2024, A Year of Magic is only available for 13 humans. This allows me to give my absolute best to those who feel the call while caring exquisitely for my own Soul. A Year of Magic is now available and will remain available until December 31st (or all 13 spaces are filled)...You can read all the juicy details HERE

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