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I’m so excited that you are making this choice for YOU!  Bravely done.

to the

Your emails will begin arriving tomorrow…
Your challenge begins today with the prep work so you can be set up for success.

First, make sure to flag love notes from me ( as wanted communications so your HOLY BOUNDARIES emails make it directly to your inbox.

Because of different softwares and tech, sometimes these emails might head to Spam or Promotional folders… do your future self a favor and add me to contacts now so you don’t miss an email!

Second, go outside tonight and take note of what phase the Moon is in.  Your Challenge will run for a single Moon cycle… so the Moon will again appear as She does tonight once you are complete.  This is a really beautiful way to track your Challenge progress!

Third, I highly recommend you create a separate folder to hold this challenge.  It will keep your sweet brain from feeling overwhelmed by the regularity of content while also reducing the possibility of distraction which might prevent you from completing this challenge. The subject line of these emails will ALWAYS start with Holy Boundaries Email; so make sure and create a folder in your inbox with a Holy Boundaries label, then whitelist and star my emails so they don't get lost in your inbox or end up in the promotional tab.

This is one challenge you definitely want to complete - it will change how you operate in life!

Finally, designate a journal, a good pen, and a small space in your home where you can create an Altar to your Holy Boundaries during this challenge.  More instructions to come on your Altar- today just decide where it will live and place your journal and pen there.

That’s it!  

Easy first tasks to get our momentum activated…

Gentle loving reminder:
You will get out of this experience in equal measure to the energy you offer the process.  There might be new language, uncomfortable journal prompts and other pieces that you might not prefer… that’s ok!

Sometimes the best medicine tastes weird.

I invite you to lean IN and work this challenge for every drop of juice it offers…

Especially the parts you find yourself resisting!

Those are the places to give your full attention to.

Your life will shift with cleaner HOLY BOUNDARIES - I promise.  

It might be messy for a hot minute… but so worth it!


P.S. Oh, and here is the info on the money back guarantee...I feel confident you won't need it, and it always feels good to get the details on day one just in case!


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