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Join us here at Wyld Fempyre for this deliciously deep 5 day challenge to explore the 5 Realms of The Transformation Map and receive a taste of the possibilities within this body of work. You can access this free challenge in your inbox by signing up HERE… or join us in the FB group and be in commUNITY!








Dive in each day of March 13 - 17 2023 in our private FaceBook WYLD FEMPYRE and do some Self Intimacy work in good company!  


[Not in the private group yet?  If you self identify as a woman who is curious and excited about truth, liberation, divination, magic and have a sneaking suspicion you might have been domesticated by this culture - You are INvited!  Jump into the group HERE]


Each day of this challenge, you will be given some of the very questions that Seekers get to explore with me during The Transformation Map.  


I am offering this sweet little mini dive in service to all who are desiring support and know they want to feel more satisfaction and joy in their daily life!


Bring your journal, a hot beverage and simply receive some support in crafting a Self Intimacy practice.


During this Challenge, you will experience:


5 Days of Self Intimacy exploration

5 Days of Journal prompts

5 Days of CommUNITY support investigating Transformation

5 Days of Commitment to Yourself


We will spend the week in sacred space, holding a container, building an Altar for Transformation, reflecting on the ways our life circumstances and choices may have led to any recurring dissatisfaction we carry...  it is my experience that once we can put the mental and emotional puzzle pieces in their proper place, things begin healing themselves with minimal efforting! 


Each day will offer you a video mini training as well as deep journal prompts for your reflection.


My intention is to gift this beginning exploration to as many women as possible for our Collective!  It is time to do this Self Intimacy work for ourselves, our great great grandchildren and for the planet Herself.  We need more women to awaken from the slumber of domestication and step into their power, Holy Boundaries™, and full presence... this is how the world will shift.  I know this in my bones...  and I trUSt the 9 women destined to join this round of The Transformation Map will know it in their bones after exploring this content with us in commUNITY.


May you enJOY this precious ride called life and squeeze every drop of juice out of your day!


In Service and with LOVE,





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