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So... you built the life you thought you were supposed to have.


Maybe you got married, had kids, or bought a house or a nice car.  You've got the 9-5 (not your dream job but hey it pays the bills), and your calendar is full of social commitments, things for everyone else, and volunteer activities.


Maybe you perform "self care" with moonthly haircuts or an occasional massage.


You did it the "right" way.


Technically, you should be over the Moon, living the dream laid out for you since you were a little grrl!


Yet there is a dissatisfaction inside that you can't quite name or touch.  You can't remember the last joyful, free and spontaneous day you had.


Despite "having it all", you know deep down you aren't getting all your needs met. 

Yet you can't exactly say what it is you need!


Feeling disconnected from ourselves is so confusing, frustrating, and overwhelming at times.


Somewhere along the way - you lost your magic.  

Somewhere that creative juice got traded in for safety, security or to feel like you were successful.


And it leaves you wondering every day if this is just what life is supposed to feel like.


Dry.  Routine.  Lonely.  Unsatisfying.

Life can be Joyful again…and it begins when you decide to Own Your Magic.

Life can be Joyful again…and it begins when you decide to Own Your Magic.

Consider these questions and let's see if you are primed to make the quantum leap back into your power!


Are you a woman who feels disconnected from her sensuality, creativity and power?


Does joy feel like a distant memory?


Perhaps you are in an imminent life transition (divorce, job change, children coming or going) and you feel emotionally unequipped for the journey?


Do you desire deeper self trust, instinctual intuition and Holy Boundaries™?


Are you craving being seen and heard? 


Do you long to feel satisfied with your choices and even excited about the possibilities in your life? 


Hungry to feel like your voice and needs matter?


Do you even know what you need?


Are you fascinated by magic, Divination, and spirituality but don’t even know where to begin?


If any of these questions resonate - You are in the right place!


These are the sensations and feelings my clients arrive with everyday...often feeling unsure of themselves or of the possibility that their life full of commitments could ever feel joyful.


Feeling stuck and dissatisfied can be a very lonely place to be.


Often we seem to have everything from the outside - but inside we are so sad and lost and no one seems to notice.


Because we lost our way amidst obligations and expectations... we forgot our boundaries, intuition and spark.  


We stopped living in connection with the Moon.


We lost track of our own pleasure and joy...


and now we fear that changing or focusing on our desires might upset the golden cage that has been so carefully crafted around us with each choice, each unmet need, each compromise.


It doesn't have to be this way!


I know, because I made the journey back to joy... and I help my clients do the same.


You get to have Holy Boundaries and ask for what you need.

You get to enJOY this animal body of yours in whatever ways please you.

You get to change even if it makes others uncomfortable.


You ARE the Creatrix of your life already - now it's time to be an awake Creatrix who is fully self response-able and pursuing a life you love full of respectful relationships, dreams, and delight.

Ready for the shift?

You don't have to do this alone... I'm here in service as your guide.

I help women Rebirth & Reinvent themselves through my work in Wyld Fempyre.

I am Wyld...
The Feral Oracle. My soul mission is to burn down our collective domestication - one woman at a time. I help women Rebirth & Reinvent themselves through my work in Wyld Fempyre.

In the Fempyre we focus on reclaiming our instinctual intuition,

our Holy Boundaries™, our sensuality, magic, and joy.

We rekindle our magic with Divination, Tarot, and Energy Healing.

We reconnect with our emotional intelligence with Vulnerability Practice Circles and magical modalities like Family Constellations and 5Rhythms moving meditation.

The Fempyre is our home for the medicine of the magnetic arts.

It is a place where women heal - together.

What is a Fempyre?


Wyld Fempyre is my antidote to our culture of empire and disconnection. 


In my work, we place your cultural conditioning and programming on the sacred pyre (fire) of evolution and watch it burn until the Phoenix of your Soul rises from the ashes unscathed and fresh with innocence and inspiration… 


Stepping into the Fempyre is an Initiation into Rebirth… 

Are you feeling the pulse?


Now is the time!  


It is time for women to step out of our domestication and into our birthright of wholeness, influence, creativity, sensitivity and joy!  Time to heal… for ourselves, fellow women, children, humans, animals, trees, plants, soil…for Mama Earth of whom we are all a part.


We do this work TOGETHER for us all.


Step into the dignity of your Divinity, claim your Sovereign space with Holy Boundaries, learn to access pleasure and emotional capacity, develop deeper Intimacy with life, and dance with Great Mystery in delight instead of fear… 


Become the Queen of your life!  


Welcome to the Fempyre

The world needs you to be free…

Read your TarotScope

What's in store for you this Moonth?

Read your TarotScope
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